8:13 p.m. on March 02, 2002

The current mood of at


me again.....sorry, the basic pissed off mood hasn't seemed to take a hike. i am so sick of men, i could seriously puke, except for the chosen few on my favs list. anyway, mark called again, wanting to talk, saying he was sorry, and i said, hey mark, maybe you should have apologized when you called two months ago, after treating me like i didn't exist for about three months. so then, of course, like the last time i basically fucked him off, he had the FUCKING NERVE to get pissed!!! can you believe it??? well, if you're a female, i'm sure you can. if you don't have a clue what i'm talking about here, the mark entries are a plenty, just read up on some of my old shit. men can be such fucking pigs!! not all of them, of course, but most!!

ahhh well, life does seem to go on, and i do get out and try to date, but i have a thing now about dating assholes. it's like i have a butthole radar or some shit!! which of course, isn't a bad thing, would you think?

well, i will leave you now with some lyrics, ENJOY!!!

(update: we have about ten fucking feet of snow here......what the fucking hell?????)

peace, i'm out-


You better make your face up in your favorite disguise, with your button-down lips, and your roller-blind eyes. With your empty smile, and your hungry heart- feel the bile rising from your guilty past. With your nerves in tatters, as the cockleshell shatters!!! When the hammers batter down your door, you better run.....LIKE HELL!! You better run all day, and run all night and keep your dirty feelings deep inside. If you're taking your girlfriend out tonight, you better park the car well out of sight!! 'Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her lock, THEY'RE GONNA SEND YOU BACK TO MOTHER IN A CARDBOARD BOX!!! YOU BETTER RUN!!!!!!

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