1:43 a.m. on March 25, 2002

it's so first being sick made me so tired, and now i stay up for hours at night, with a million thoughts swirling through my mind......i have no appetite, i ache everywhere....i'm tired, i can't sleep.

i wish i had more good pain pills, but they are almost gone. shit hell fuck.

one good point: i just got done watching taxicab confessions on HBO, i fucking love that show, and it rules u all!! if you have never seen it, you are such a cuntslop, douchebag, fuck people doggy styles in the back of a pick up truck in the middle of winter until your knees freeze to the metal of the truck and rip open piece of shit whore, that you need your brains blown out. so.....there it is. you'll have that.

so this was the show: (a few highlights)

the first lady that got in was like this little trampy blonde, i guess she was ok, but she was talking like she was high or drunk or on crack or all of the above. so anyway, she is dressed all nice, like she's out on the town, and she starts telling this cab driver how she has like five fucking boyfriends, (or so they think they are) and that they all live in different states. why does she have them all, you ask? cuz she uses them for money and jewelry and cars and clothes and rent and shit.....and they just give it to her. she doesn't even have to have a fucking J-O-B, ok?? does she love any of them, the cabby asks? she says....well yeah, my one boyfriend, i'm in love with him....i just cheat on him, cuz he left me once when i was pregnant, and i lost the now that we're back together i do it to get back at him then she goes, if he ever finds out he will fucking leave me....

my thoughts: i can understand the method to her madness...why can't i find some of these dumb fucks who throw money at women??? oh, and one more thing.....don't think your boyfriend will find out?? well SMILE!!! your on candid camera, you stupid bitch!!

lady number two....very sad.....went on and on about her brother who was raped by a drag queen and got aids, and just recently died. said her father beat both of them constantly and locked them in their rooms.....not allowing them to watch tv, or listen to the radio, nothing but staring at the walls. so now she is a recovering heroin junky, and she's having way more trouble getting off the fucking methodone than she did the heroin.

my thoughts: life's a bitch, then you die. and she is total proof of this.

lady number three: kind of inspirational. was a singer in her younger days, a french cabaret singer no less....but her husband always told her she was no good, and would never make it, so she just quit. then one day, she got breast cancer, and had to go through radiation and chemo for almost a year, so when she got better she told her husband she was going to live her life her way from now on, and if he didn't like it tough fucking shit.

now she's like 50, and kicking ass. she looked pretty good, too.

my thoughts: since she lost so much of her life due to her insecure fuck of a husband, she should take a nine millemeter and blow a hole right into his temple. then she could run back to france, and they wouldn't be able to make her come back and serve time. after that, she could be a french cabaret singer in the french fucking quarter or some shit.

well, hell......i had nothing to write about, as you can see. next time, watch the show, and you won't have to read about it.

peace, i'm out~jj

Taxi Driver I'll be a taxi driver for you, honey, Take you anywhere you want to. I'll be a taxi driver for you, honey, Take you anywhere you want to. Just call on me, I'll take you anywhere you want to. I'm a milkman for you, babe, I'll milk you anytime you want to. I'll be a milkman for you, babe, I'll milk you anytime you want to. Just call on me, And you can milk me if you want to. Just call me on the telephone, Oh, baby! I wasn't at home!! Sometimes you reach me, sometimes you don't, Sometimes when I'm all alone.... Call me up, I'll take you anywhere you want to. Call me on the telephone, Pity for you sister, I wasn't at home!! Sometimes you'll reach me, sometimes you don't, Sometimes when I'm all alone... I'll be your taxi driver , I'll be your taxi driver... Yeah I drive!!! -hanoi rocks (if you don't know hanoi rocks, just kill yourself now...and leave this nothingness that your life has become behind) kisses!! jj

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